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Centre For Sight

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723 Reviews

Before surgery my vision was -8 and therefore I couldn’t read a book, or see facial expressions etc without using my glasses. I would definitely recommend Centre for Sight. I’d dwelt on surgery for 10 years since my initial ...Read more

1. Review of Centre for Sight Clinic

Centre for Sight is a long-standing and renowned eye surgery clinic, with three practices in London, Surrey and West Sussex. Its leading consultant eye surgeon, Mr Sheraz Daya, founded the clinic way back in 1996 with a clear mission: provide exemplary eye care to patients in facilities that are purpose-built with their needs in mind.

What makes Centre for Sight different? Centre for Sight is based on Mr Daya’s vision that better surroundings can provide a higher standard of care. Today patients get to enjoy a spa-like or luxury hotel experience, rather than the dread of most hospital surgeries.

Is there anything else I should know? As you’d expect then, this clinic also comes with the price tag that accompanies a five-star experience. Yes, the facilities are kitted out with high-end diagnostic tech and quality lenses, backed up by a team of highly trained staff. But you leave all the fancy atmosphere behind the moment you step outside the clinic, and it won’t be a priority for everyone.

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2. Centre for Sight Treatments

Centre for Sight has expertise in all the major eye treatments, from LASIK to lens replacement surgery, and implantable contact lenses. Here are some of the most popular surgeries:

  1. LASIK / IntraLASIK laser eye surgery
  2. Laser and non-laser lens replacement
  3. Implantable contact lenses (ICL surgery)
  4. Laser cataract surgery
  5. Corneal grafts
  6. Keratoconus

To find out which procedure would work best for your unique eye prescription, always talk to a qualified ophthalmologist. As with all leading clinics, Centre for Sight provides initial consultations where you can talk to a specialised eye consultant, and understand the risks and options available to you.

3. Centre for Sight Prices

On average, 723 patients told Lasik Eyes they paid between £2,400 and £3,615 per eye for laser eye and lens replacement surgery at Centre for Sight since 2002. These costs are slightly above the average price range of £1,789 and £3,152 – high street clinics such as Optical Express and Ultralase were the cheapest places we found.

Here are the fixed costs of eye surgery at Centre for Sight:

  • Laser eye surgery cost: £2,300 per eye (from £77 per month)
  • IntraLASIK Supracor cost: £2,575 per eye (from £86 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost: £2,975 per eye (from £85 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost (toric lenses): £3,450 per eye (from £93 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (monofocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (multifocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)

Your costs will include: a free consultation (for laser surgery), the full cost of the procedure, a 24-hour service line, and aftercare for one year after treatment. Laser eye surgery consultations are free, but lens replacement surgery assessments cost £295.

Centre for Sight also provides interest free pay monthly finance options over a generous 24 months – with some clinics, you’ll be paying 11% APR after the first year. As with most clinics, there’s a deposit of £500 to secure the surgery, but this cost comes off the total cost.

4. Centre for Sight Review: The Verdict

Centre for Sight is featured as one of the best laser eye surgery clinics in the UK. With a thumbs-up rating from the CQC and a reputation among customer for top-notch customer care, this address also makes our list of the 10 best laser eye surgery clinics in London.

To see how other eye laser surgery clinics compare with Centre for Sight, just click here to use our simple quote tool, and get a tailored quote from a trusted clinic that ticks your boxes.

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Centre For Sight Reviews


Shirley Livingstone

23 Jan 2015
No Rating

Immediate improvement in vision both near and distant. Need for spectacles eliminated.

20 Jun 2003

I received first-class treatment from Centre for Sight, who were able to correct my severe short-sight and astigmatism with near-perfect results (I had been turned down by Ultralase who told me, incorrectly, that because they would not be able to do a perfect job I would be left with vision that was not correctable with glasses). I was realistic that perfection was not possible, due to insufficient corneal thickness, and the surgeon (Mr Daya) was completely honest and up-front about what could/could not be achieved. In fact he said he would not have been prepared to do the surgery if I had expected perfection, because that would not be possible. In fact my result is better than he predicted - 20/20 in one eye and just about -1 remaining in the non-dominant eye so I can live my life without glasses or lenses now. I have had no complications - the clinic stressed throughout the importance of following their aftercare instructions to the letter, which I have done, and now three months later my spec-wearing days are becoming a distant memory. If you are thinking of LASIK, I would recommend you use Centre for Sight.

16 Jul 2003

As a doctor I was very careful to select where I had my procedure performed. I reckoned that a hospital that treats diseases of the cornea must have a healthy respect for it. I wanted to know success rate/complication rates etc. I asked how many ophthalmologists had been operated on. These are the important questions! I could see about 6/60 6/36 prior to the procedure and now have 6/3 6/4 vision! Amazing! With the Zywave I have no distortion or haze and great night vision. I was able to go in to work the day after the procedure and drove to my check up that evening. I have just completed my last check up and apart from mild dryness which is improving monthly I have been impressed and amazed by the results.

15 Sep 2003

I had been planning on laser surgery for ages, but my family were concerned about the horror stories and were convinced I would end up blind! I knew that I would have to find the best to ensure that we all had peace of mind. I research the net, got brochures from the “high street” clinics and talked to people who had been treated. I knew when I had found the best! The very high standards at the Centre for Sight were obvious, and it is also located within a specialist eye centre, The Corneo Plastics Unit at the Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Trust, which has a great reputation nationally. I received a very thorough examination, using the latest equipment. My left eyeball has had a horrible rhythmic “twist” over the last twenty years and I was afraid it would not be a suitable candidate for surgery. Mr Daya was very clear in explaining the key points about my eyes to me, very large and odd sized pupils, thin cornea etc. He was confident that my right eye would correct well, but thought perhaps the left may need an extra treatment later to get it to the standard he looks for. He said that although there were a couple of options for treatment, he thought LASIK would be best. I liked his honesty and I had no doubts. The day of treatment dawned – it was hardly any different to a visit to the dentists! I was amazed at how quick and painless the surgery itself was, Mr Daya treated the right eye and was content with the job, then he looked at the troublesome left one – “I am going to fix this” he said as he carried out the treatment. Ten minutes later the discomfort was no more than the stinging from peeling onions. Within half an hour I could read all the letters on the chart, both eyes performing a fantastic job – unbelievable for someone as myopic as me! A wonderful gift, and I am recommending it to my friends.

28 Sep 2003

It’s been six months since my corrective surgery at the Centre for Sight after the original problem with my surgery at another clinic. Things have settled down extremely well. I still have to keep ahead of a small amount of Dry Eye but overall the result that have been achieved are more than satisfactory. A big thanks to Mr Daya and the team for all their support during this period.

02 Oct 2003

I have just discovered this site. I had my eyes treated by Mr Daya over two years ago. I had -2.75 astigmatism in both eyes. Although there is still a tiny amount of residual astigmatism I had 6/4 ( 20/15) vision in both eyes one month after the surgey. I cannot recommend the Zyoptix wavefront treatment enough. Before the treatment i could hardly drive at night because oncoming headlights used to flare so much i had to brake. Since having the Zyoptix treatment I could see far better at night. also I have noticed that more people achieve 20/15 6/4 after Zyoptix treatment.

18 Oct 2003

Fantastic - from the moment of sitting up from the operating couch and realising the room around me was in sharp focus I realised my glasses days were over! Recovery was remarkably good - I slept for 5-6 hours after the procedure, and have had very little disturbance from my eyes - in fact I have to remind myself that they have been operated on! It feels totally natural without glasses and I don't miss them a bit. I would be very careful about who operated on my eyes, as a former local GP I knew that East Grinstead Eye Centre had an excellent reputation as a specialist referral centre (the place other eye specialists refer their patients) particularly corneal surgery, and that Mr Daya was the man for the job. I went in with complete confidence and wasn't dissapointed. I drove at night the next day - the slight glare around signposts noted but not troublesome, and disappeared witin the first week. I work for the ambulance service, which involves high speed driving under emergency conditions, and looking for street signs - this now is no problem. The flap integrity is great - I am looking foward to going back on our helicopter air ambulance soon...I cannot recommend it highly enough! Jeremy Mayhew - Medical Director, Kent Ambulance Service

24 Nov 2003

After procrastinating about laser surgery for years I received a very favourable recommendation about the Centre For Sight from two people who had been treated there and so, convinced that this was the best place to have surgery, I finally took the plunge. After extensive testing with an impressive array of kit and discussions with Mr Daya that further convinced me of the procedure, he recommended that I have Lasik on my left eye and Wavefront on my right. I went ahead - and it was a revelation. From the second I stood up after the surgery to the present day I marvel at how this has changed my life. It's been six months now and the results are truly phenomenal! My eyesight feels bionic and I can see with a level of clarity I had thought impossible - which helps, because I'm a creative director who does a lot of photography. I wish to thank Mr Daya and his team again and would recommend them to all.

16 Dec 2003

I had my surgery at the Centre for Sight in East Grinstead and it was performed by Mr Daya. My surgery was carried out using the new Z100 laser which also incorporates iris recognition. The surgery was very quick and the results immediate. I could see the difference as soon as I sat up from the bed. I slept well that night and I was able to drive the next day and have had no problems driving at night. It is amazing how well I can see now, it feels strange getting up in the morning and to be able to see out of my bedroom window without having to put my lenses in first. I would recommend the centre to anyone especially now they have the new laser. It was reassuring to have my surgery performed by such a technically advance machine. The staff were brilliant, very professional and caring.

19 Dec 2003

I cannot recommend the Centre for Sight highly enough. I had my shortsight corrected by Mr Daya at the beginning of December using the new Z100 laser, which is very fast and incorporates iris recognition. The former made the treatment faster than ever and the latter gave the added security that it would be impossible for anyone else's data to be mistaken for mine. The staff were extremely professional, both caring and efficient. My vision was good immediately following surgery - I was able to read the time on the clock on the wall as soon as I sat up - and it continued to improve until by the next morning I felt confident enough to drive my car I am now able for the first time in 25 years to get out of bed in the morning without reaching straight away for my glasses or contact lenses. A short period of discomfort was a small price to pay for the excellent results.

22 Dec 2003

My Lasik/Zyoptix treatment was carried out by Mr Daya at the Centre for Sight in East Grinstead at the beginning of December. The new Z100 Laser was used which uses software that recognises your unique iris pattern from millions of others, it is also a lot faster than the previous laser used. I have worn glasses since I was two years old and have for a long time muddled over in my mind, whether to have laser surgery or not. I could not have made a better decision. The whole procedure was handled very professionally, all the staff were very helpful, considerate and understanding throughout. As soon as the procedure was over and my eyes were tested, I noticed a dramatic difference in my vision, there were a few hours of discomfort, for a future with great vision, and no glasses!!!!!

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