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Centre For Sight

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723 Reviews

Before surgery my vision was -8 and therefore I couldn’t read a book, or see facial expressions etc without using my glasses. I would definitely recommend Centre for Sight. I’d dwelt on surgery for 10 years since my initial ...Read more

1. Review of Centre for Sight Clinic

Centre for Sight is a long-standing and renowned eye surgery clinic, with three practices in London, Surrey and West Sussex. Its leading consultant eye surgeon, Mr Sheraz Daya, founded the clinic way back in 1996 with a clear mission: provide exemplary eye care to patients in facilities that are purpose-built with their needs in mind.

What makes Centre for Sight different? Centre for Sight is based on Mr Daya’s vision that better surroundings can provide a higher standard of care. Today patients get to enjoy a spa-like or luxury hotel experience, rather than the dread of most hospital surgeries.

Is there anything else I should know? As you’d expect then, this clinic also comes with the price tag that accompanies a five-star experience. Yes, the facilities are kitted out with high-end diagnostic tech and quality lenses, backed up by a team of highly trained staff. But you leave all the fancy atmosphere behind the moment you step outside the clinic, and it won’t be a priority for everyone.

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2. Centre for Sight Treatments

Centre for Sight has expertise in all the major eye treatments, from LASIK to lens replacement surgery, and implantable contact lenses. Here are some of the most popular surgeries:

  1. LASIK / IntraLASIK laser eye surgery
  2. Laser and non-laser lens replacement
  3. Implantable contact lenses (ICL surgery)
  4. Laser cataract surgery
  5. Corneal grafts
  6. Keratoconus

To find out which procedure would work best for your unique eye prescription, always talk to a qualified ophthalmologist. As with all leading clinics, Centre for Sight provides initial consultations where you can talk to a specialised eye consultant, and understand the risks and options available to you.

3. Centre for Sight Prices

On average, 723 patients told Lasik Eyes they paid between £2,400 and £3,615 per eye for laser eye and lens replacement surgery at Centre for Sight since 2002. These costs are slightly above the average price range of £1,789 and £3,152 – high street clinics such as Optical Express and Ultralase were the cheapest places we found.

Here are the fixed costs of eye surgery at Centre for Sight:

  • Laser eye surgery cost: £2,300 per eye (from £77 per month)
  • IntraLASIK Supracor cost: £2,575 per eye (from £86 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost: £2,975 per eye (from £85 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost (toric lenses): £3,450 per eye (from £93 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (monofocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (multifocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)

Your costs will include: a free consultation (for laser surgery), the full cost of the procedure, a 24-hour service line, and aftercare for one year after treatment. Laser eye surgery consultations are free, but lens replacement surgery assessments cost £295.

Centre for Sight also provides interest free pay monthly finance options over a generous 24 months – with some clinics, you’ll be paying 11% APR after the first year. As with most clinics, there’s a deposit of £500 to secure the surgery, but this cost comes off the total cost.

4. Centre for Sight Review: The Verdict

Centre for Sight is featured as one of the best laser eye surgery clinics in the UK. With a thumbs-up rating from the CQC and a reputation among customer for top-notch customer care, this address also makes our list of the 10 best laser eye surgery clinics in London.

To see how other eye laser surgery clinics compare with Centre for Sight, just click here to use our simple quote tool, and get a tailored quote from a trusted clinic that ticks your boxes.

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Centre For Sight Reviews


Shirley Livingstone

23 Jan 2015
No Rating

Immediate improvement in vision both near and distant. Need for spectacles eliminated.

06 Feb 2003

I have waited nearly 3 months to post this review as a knee jerk reaction to what is life changing/life enhancing surgery, is inappropriate. However, my views remain the same now as they were about 48 hours after surgery! It is the combination of surgeon + team + the "best" equipment which makes for a successful outcome; this winning combination is indeed present at Centre for Sight, East Grinstead. I was reassured by the way in which I was dealt with prior to surgery, on the day itself and also by the post-operative check-ups which will be on-going for some time. Just 48 hours after surgery, my vision was everything I had hoped for. Only reading a pc screen took a little longer to settle into. My thanks to Mr. Daya and his team for exceeding my expectations.

21 Feb 2003

I had my treatment on Monday 17.02.03. Stunning! The treatment was pretty much as efficiently implemented as the Consultation I had on the 30th Jan. It was a busy day, and seemed a little disorganised from the outsiders viewpoint, probably due to the recent press, things looked busier than ever as more sensible people had followed the advice of Mr Daya. (Watchdog). The pre-surgery and surgery itself took only a few minutes. After my pre-med/surgery drops and pills I waited just over 40 minutes to be treated, a bit long, and I think my Diazepam was wearing off! But it was totally worthwhile, and very professionally executed. Likewise for the follow up the next day. I'm just waiting to go for my monthly follow up now................

24 Feb 2003

I was treated by Mr Daya 48 hours ago and am thrilled with the results. Having worn glasses or contact lenses for over 34 years (since the age of 7) it seems as though I have witnessed a miracle. The treatment was not painful at all and an hour later I had driving standard vision. I returned to work today and feel fine - no discomfort. I guess I am very lucky but also I have complete faith in Mr Daya and the team at the centre for sight. I cannot recommend them enough and am happy to share my experiences by e-mail.

02 Mar 2003

I had Zyoptix a week ago and am absolutely delighted with the result. I have driving standard vision and this was apparent already on the way home! I was very nervous at the start of the surgery, but had complete confidence in Mr.Daya and his team. The surgery was a bit uncomfortable but not painful and I would do it again! I did shop around and am glad that I did. I also looked up a lot of websites. I had Zyoptix because of "high order abberations" which I didn't know I had until I saw Mr.Daya. These have now significantly reduced as I saw on the pictures at my first follow-up appointment . I was a bit apprehensive about having Wavefront because it is so new, but Mr. Daya's wealth of experience gave me confidence and he gave very direct and honest answers to my questions. I am happy to share my experiences via e-mail with anyone who feels it might be helpful.

24 Mar 2003

I visited Mr Daya at The Centre for Sight after the surgery performed by my original clinic failed to provide the results promised in their glossy brochure. I cannot fault the customer service, surgeon or indeed the post-surgery care provided by the original clinic as they at all times gave me their utmost attention and worked with me to find a solution to my problems. The Centre for Sight took up the challenge and provided me with an un-rivalled level of service which I have no problem commending to all. Although I am not out of the woods yet I would still like to extend a big thank you to The Centre for Sight & the support staff in general, and Mr Sheraz Daya in particular, for the care and attention afforded to me over the last few days.

26 Mar 2003

I had the left eye done first, and the right one done 2 1/2 weeks later with Zyoptix. I'd done loads of research about it and where was best, and there was only one place really that had a perfect score from this forum - The Centre For Sight with Mr Daya. The reason that I went for Zyoptix was that it tends to produce a better night vision result compared to the standard LASIK, and this was a high priority for me. My higher order abberrations also were border line for zyoptix which swung it for me. Initially there are halo's around lights at night, but they have faded quite markedly after 3 weeks (it takes about 6 weeks to settle) in the left eye, so I'm just waiting for the right eye to follow. Apart from that, the result is pretty amazing as I now have the same vision that I had corrected beforehand - 20/12 left and 20/10 right, which seems to be one of the best results they've had to date. Needless to say, Mr Daya and his team are very competent, and they produce very good results consistently, and safely. Can't recommend them enough.

31 Mar 2003

I had LASIK on both eye's on the 22nd of March under Mr Daya, following two failed attempts with another clinic. I was very, very, very nervous as I found the first two procedures very painful and left me bruised for at least a week. The atmosphere at East Grinstead (Royal Vic) was professional, relaxed and welcoming. The whole team where fantastic - a special thankyou to Rose who identified I was nervous and held my hand throughout the procedure (sorry if I broke any fingers!).I am a nurse myself and expect a certain standard of nursing care, this was surpassed. Mr Daya although frustrated with my constant moving (which I was unaware I was doing) has an easy and friendly bed side manner, which other doctors could learn from. I must also say a big thankyou to Linda (the boss), Roxanne and Debbie sorry if I have missed anyone.I am now 7 days on, less then 24hrs post procedure I had 20/20 vision, it was amazing. Driving back to Edinburgh I drove my mother mad reading car registations and signs. I am suffering dry eyes but I was the previous couple of times, so I have that covered. I would say to anyone considering LASIK - YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, if I had shopped around and spent a bit more money going to the centre for sight I could have enjoyed this spec free freedom 2 yrs ago. My final comment is, how well run the private and NHS clinics are. They run side by side seamlessly.

27 Apr 2003

It's almost a month since my surgery so I thought I would post the promised update. I went for my consultation on April 4th in London. Apart from a few minor hiccups due Centre for Sight being in brand new premises at Queen Anne St, I was treated extremely well and professionally. Mr Daya allowed me plenty of time for any questions, even with a full waiting room. Make sure you have specific queries though or else it makes it pretty hard to give specific answers! Up to this stage I had been more nervous about being allowed to do Lasik than the actual surgery and phew!!, I was suitable - especially so for Zyoptix due to eye aberrations and hence was all set for the surgery the next day. (A benefit of being an overseas patient is no time to worry in-between the consultation and the surgery!). The centre at East Grinstead was pretty busy but efficiently run. A few extra tests (by the beautiful Debbie) to provide the up to the minute data and I was all set. The surgery itself was completely painless and quick, no problems! Hardest thing is keeping the eyes shut afterwards. Mr Daya had a look before I left and although it felt like I couldn't see anything he was happy. Do make sure you quiz the after care procedures as they can be a bit brief. I kept my eyes shut all the way home to be safe, and then spent a few hours in bed. The glasses are a bit clunky and by that evening I could sense a noticeable improvement. Glasses kept on all Sunday and regular drops and then Monday.... ....Brilliant vision!! Spent most of the day counting flowers and trees at a distance, not really believing I could! It was a surreal experience after all those years with glasses. Tuesday I was booked in for an evening check-up. Having been fine for three days I had an irritation in the left eye and Mr Daya spent extra time looking if anything was in there, but all seemed fine. 6/5 left eye and 6/6 right was pretty damn good! Wednesday I woke up with a very sore left eye and very red. Rang the centre for advice and was told to come straight down for a check (hour and half drive!) Then - Disaster - a rapid infection was now noticeable in the left eye. Within an hour of arriving I was back on the table having the flap re-lifted to scrape out the infection and douse it in antibiotics. Unlike the original laser surgery, this can be classed as absolutely the most painful thing I have ever experienced. (Tried to explain to family - closest was how I would imagine acid being poured in the eye felt). I was then admitted to the Queen Victoria Hospital and had similar drops administered every hour for the next 24 hours, and then from 6am until 10 pm for the next three days. Every morning I was looked at either by Mr Daya, or whilst he was in America, by Mr Watson (I think he was a clinical fellow for the eye hospital - very professional and encouraging anyway and enormous thanks to him). The rest of the day by day won't help much, suffice to say that after I went home at the weekend, I continued with very painful drops (at one stage I think it was 72 drops in a 24 hour period!) and continual trips back for checks. Various photo's were taken of my eye along the way, and a number of different specialists queued up to have a look. It seems that in 9 years of Operations by Mr Daya and Centre for Sight, this had never happened before. Just my luck! As it stands at the moment the infection has fully cleared and I am down to just steroids 4 times a day, and have travelled back home (abroad home), with another check in a month. The left eye is still not great vision, still a bit short sighted, but after the battering it has had in fighting the infection this is no surprise and Mr Daya is optimistic this will improve over time. The hardest thing is that the right eye seems to get better and better (about 6/4 last check) and is so good it makes the difference more pronounced. The above are the facts of my sorry tale (although hope is not yet lost!) and whilst I have had some very depressed days and lack of sleep, both through pain and worry, it is worth noting the following. 1. The staff of Centre for Sight, led by Mr Daya, have been nothing but professional and supportive. I am in no doubt that from the second the infection was noticed, no effort was spared in treating me correctly - evidenced by the speed Mr Daya and staff dropped what they were doing and were operating within an hour of my arrival! 2. The infection's arrival and speed of growth shows (as far as I can ascertain) it was pure bad luck and not linked to the surgery. The surgery was pain free and brilliantly successful until the infection arrived. 3. The value of going not only to a centre of excellence, but one that is established as part of an hospital, cannot be overemphasised. This was a very rare problem to experience, but I shudder to think how I would have coped and been treated if this was with a High St outfit. The nurses of the Ryecroft Ward were wonderful, and at all times I was right next door to a wealth of expertise in eye problems, as well as Mr Daya and Mr Watson being on premises. 4. At every visit I naturally had a million paranoid questions. Mr Daya needs to be pinned down with individual questions but he is very understanding and answers everything if it is clear. All the centre for sight staff were caring and professional and my thanks again to them. 5. Lastly, every trip to the centre was a bit traumatic in one way or another, but it was always a pleasure chatting to the beautiful Debbie, for whom the phrase 'a sight for sore eyes' was surely meant!!! A final comment would be that Centre for Sight is an excellent centre for surgery. Having dealt with Mr Daya and complications I would definitely recommend him. He is professional, courteous and obviously brilliant at what he does. Thanks to his efforts I have a good chance of regaining the excellent vision I had on the Monday after surgery and heartfelt thanks are due (so far!). Hopefully my next update in due course will provide good news. P.S I have voted a 5 star based on my experience of the original surgery and the treatment I have received at all stages. The fact that I had a nasty infection and have not yet got the 'perfect' result is not a reflection of the service or ability of Centre for Sight - Oh, and Debbie works there!

22 May 2003

Further to my update of a month ago, and things seem to be progressing nicely. I had another check with Mr Daya on Monday and all previous problems are now well and truly gone. There has even been an improvement to the left eye, bringing it up to more or less 20/20. Although this comes and goes a little bit it is great news after all the previous concerns with the infection. I don't even have to wear the gogles at night any more - hooray!! Excellent and speedy work by Mr Daya and his team has prevented a serious problem and given a pretty excellent result so far. Only another month of drops and hopefully all will be well. It just goes to show that in the rare event that there is a problem, it pays to go where the skill and commitment is. Mr Daya has worked extremely hard for me and it shows. I'm well on the road to recovery and could even be restored to what I had two days after the initial operation. I will hopefully give a final update and result in a couple of months.

11 Jun 2003

Having contemplated having surgery for about 8 years, I finally took the plunge on Monday. It's amazing! I decided on the Centre for Sight after being recommened not only by a friend but also from my GP. I was advised to avoid the High Street outfits and that you get what you pay for! I visited the centre in East Grinstead and found all of the staff the be very friendly, helpful and professional. After going through the series of tests, I then saw Mr Daya. He explained that he was sure that he was be able to significantly improve my vision, although it was very likely that I may still need glasses for driving etc. This was fine by me. I feel that I had realistic expectations. My intention was to be able to see my children without glasses. I was fed up with being the nerd in the swimming pool with glasses on! Mr Daya explained that I had pretty thin cornea's and this too, could affect the outcome of the surgery. I was still happy to go ahead. On Monday, 9/6, I had the surgery. I have to admit, I was quite nervous once laying on the bed, looking at that light. The right eye was worse as I wasn't really sure what to expect, the left was better. I can't say that it was painfull because it wasn't , but it was uncomfortable. It was also a really wierd feeling, seeing all that it going on. After the surgery, I sat with eyes shut and black goggles on for some time. My eye's were stinging a bit, but not as bad as if you had soap in them! When it was time for the sight test, more drops were put in and the stinging went. My vision was good enough for driving. I was so pleased. At the follow up on Tuesday, it had improved even more and is now better than 20/20. This is fantastic. I really am thrilled. My eyes are not remotly sore or tender, they are not gritty. it really doesn't fell like I have had anything done. I am being very religious about the antibiotic and anti-inflammitory drops. I have found the Centre for Sight, Mr Daya and his staff to be friendly, professional and helpfull. I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone considering this surgery. I believe that the best advertisment is personal recommendation. You only have one pair of eyes and it is so important to choose wisely. I believe after looking into this for quite some time that I chose the best.

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