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Centre For Sight

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723 Reviews

Before surgery my vision was -8 and therefore I couldn’t read a book, or see facial expressions etc without using my glasses. I would definitely recommend Centre for Sight. I’d dwelt on surgery for 10 years since my initial ...Read more

1. Review of Centre for Sight Clinic

Centre for Sight is a long-standing and renowned eye surgery clinic, with three practices in London, Surrey and West Sussex. Its leading consultant eye surgeon, Mr Sheraz Daya, founded the clinic way back in 1996 with a clear mission: provide exemplary eye care to patients in facilities that are purpose-built with their needs in mind.

What makes Centre for Sight different? Centre for Sight is based on Mr Daya’s vision that better surroundings can provide a higher standard of care. Today patients get to enjoy a spa-like or luxury hotel experience, rather than the dread of most hospital surgeries.

Is there anything else I should know? As you’d expect then, this clinic also comes with the price tag that accompanies a five-star experience. Yes, the facilities are kitted out with high-end diagnostic tech and quality lenses, backed up by a team of highly trained staff. But you leave all the fancy atmosphere behind the moment you step outside the clinic, and it won’t be a priority for everyone.

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2. Centre for Sight Treatments

Centre for Sight has expertise in all the major eye treatments, from LASIK to lens replacement surgery, and implantable contact lenses. Here are some of the most popular surgeries:

  1. LASIK / IntraLASIK laser eye surgery
  2. Laser and non-laser lens replacement
  3. Implantable contact lenses (ICL surgery)
  4. Laser cataract surgery
  5. Corneal grafts
  6. Keratoconus

To find out which procedure would work best for your unique eye prescription, always talk to a qualified ophthalmologist. As with all leading clinics, Centre for Sight provides initial consultations where you can talk to a specialised eye consultant, and understand the risks and options available to you.

3. Centre for Sight Prices

On average, 723 patients told Lasik Eyes they paid between £2,400 and £3,615 per eye for laser eye and lens replacement surgery at Centre for Sight since 2002. These costs are slightly above the average price range of £1,789 and £3,152 – high street clinics such as Optical Express and Ultralase were the cheapest places we found.

Here are the fixed costs of eye surgery at Centre for Sight:

  • Laser eye surgery cost: £2,300 per eye (from £77 per month)
  • IntraLASIK Supracor cost: £2,575 per eye (from £86 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost: £2,975 per eye (from £85 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost (toric lenses): £3,450 per eye (from £93 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (monofocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (multifocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)

Your costs will include: a free consultation (for laser surgery), the full cost of the procedure, a 24-hour service line, and aftercare for one year after treatment. Laser eye surgery consultations are free, but lens replacement surgery assessments cost £295.

Centre for Sight also provides interest free pay monthly finance options over a generous 24 months – with some clinics, you’ll be paying 11% APR after the first year. As with most clinics, there’s a deposit of £500 to secure the surgery, but this cost comes off the total cost.

4. Centre for Sight Review: The Verdict

Centre for Sight is featured as one of the best laser eye surgery clinics in the UK. With a thumbs-up rating from the CQC and a reputation among customer for top-notch customer care, this address also makes our list of the 10 best laser eye surgery clinics in London.

To see how other eye laser surgery clinics compare with Centre for Sight, just click here to use our simple quote tool, and get a tailored quote from a trusted clinic that ticks your boxes.

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Centre For Sight Reviews


Shirley Livingstone

23 Jan 2015
No Rating

Immediate improvement in vision both near and distant. Need for spectacles eliminated.

02 Jul 2004

Mr Daya and his team did an excellent job for me. After wearing specs for 26 years it was brilliant just to throw them in the bin! My only regret - should have done it years ago!!

03 Aug 2004

I am 50 years old. I have suffered with very poor eyesight for my whole life. I hated wearing glasses and wore hard contact lenses from the age of 14. For the following 34 years these served me well, but then for some reason my eyes started to become sensitive to my lenses. I switched to gas permeable lenses which suited for a while but then they too started to trouble me. I then moved on to soft lenses. These I really had problems with. I found the concept of grabbing my eyeball to remove the lens rather disconcerting. I also found that I didn't see so well. I persevered with them for some time but eventually reverted to wearing my glasses but didn't enjoy this experience any more than I had as a child! I pondered laser surgery and my optometrist recommended Lasik which is part surgery and part laser. I'm rather squeamish and so I kept on putting off taking it any further. I wish I hadn't! What a difference it has made to my life. I can see really well and the operation itself took only about 15 minutes?! There was no pain at the time - the worst bit was when they roll your eyelid back and tape it out of the way - but that was only uncomfortable. The discomfort afterwards was minimal. It reminded me of the discomfort I used to feel when I had worn my contact lenses for too long and after about 4 hours it had gone. The next day my vision was perfect and it has been ever since. I cannot thank Mr Sheraz Daya enough. His positive attitude gave me the confidence to go through with the procedure. His staff also were brilliant - comforting, helpful, nothing was ever too much trouble. I have already given 6 brochures to people who have been impressed by my experience and who are seriously considering it for themselves now. Perhaps I should ask for commission!!!!

13 Sep 2004

After wearing contact lenses for over 30 years and recently experiencing some discomfort with them (they were drying out very quickly during the day)I decided make enquiries about laser surgery. As I already work at the Queen Victoria Hospital where Centre for Sight are based I was aware of the excellent reputation they held and decided to arrange a consultation with Mr Daya. After a thorough examination and various tests on my eyes I found out I had very short sightedness and astigmatism in both eyes (to give you some idea how bad my eyesight was - when asked to read out what I could see from the eye chart standing only a matter of feet away, I couldn't even read the first line!). Mr Daya recommended the tissue saving procedure using the new Intralase procedure and I booked for surgery the following Monday. Monday loomed and I made my way to the Queen Victoria Hospital, accompanied by my husband, with some trepidation mixed with excitement. The Centre for Sight staff were very understanding and reassuring and I began to calm immediately. I was given a sedative just before I was due to undergo the procedure which in total took about 20 minutes. The Intralase procedure was so quick and completely painless although slightly uncomfortable. After the procedure I was asked to keep my eyes shut whilst wearing dark glasses and taken to a darkened room to rest my eyes. After approximately 45 minutes my eyes were checked and I was told that I was at driving standard already. When I got home I had a three hour nap as my eyes were stinging but when I woke up three hours later this had eased and I was amazed at how much I could see although I did keep my eyes shut as much as possible wearing the dark glasses until my follow up visit the following day. At my follow-up visit I was told I had perfect vision - a miracle!! My next appointment is in a month's time and if my sight remains the same as it is at the moment I will be extrememly happy. So, all of you who are thinking about having this procedure - especially Intralase - don't hesitate, book your consultation as soon as possible - you won't regret it for one moment - I haven't. May I take this opportunity of thanking Mr Daya and the Centre for Sight team for all their support, kindness and care that they showed me and for allowing me to see clearly into the future - thank you so very much.

14 Sep 2004

My Intralasik Wavefront procedure.. In a way I was quite looking forward to being one of the first patients to undergo the Intralasik procedure. I had attended a seminar, presented by Mr Daya at The Centre for Sight, at the beginning of July and the Intralase cutting procedure appeared to be an exciting step forward. I had already been assessed as suitable for sight correction following tests earlier in the year. However I found the seminar instrumental in giving me the final push to “go for it!” and would recommend the seminar to any prospective patients who may be slightly unsure. Although I had looked through the brochures etc it was important for me to see the actual procedure first hand and the seminar included actual film footage. The day of surgery arrived and I didn’t feel nervous, which is quite remarkable for a self-confessed wimp when it comes to medical procedures! I had read all the patient reports on the website and was sure that there would be some pain involved in the procedure. I had read about “discomfort” and was imagining all the variations included under this term. However, I have to say that the procedure was completely painless. Mr Daya and his team were both confident and precise. The flaps were cut using Intralase. After they had been cut I can remember thinking “was that it?”. Mr Daya had explained that I would need to wait for a while before the second stage of the procedure could take place so I sat outside the theatre with my eyes shut. Drops were administered on several occasions during this time. The Wavefront procedure again was painless. In fact I was so relaxed that the Wavefront recognition switched off during the second eye procedure! During the recovery period I sat with eyes shut along with the other patients in the Reception area. Drops were administered again during this time. After a while I was told I could go home. When I reached home I felt more comfortable lying down in bed. I administered the drops I had been given at the appropriate times during the evening. I didn’t need to take any painkillers at all. The following morning my distance sight was much improved. My eyes did not appear red at all and didn’t feel uncomfortable. Mr Daya was very pleased with the results at the follow-up appointment the next day. Two weeks later I am still delighted with the results of the surgery. I had worn contact lenses on and off for 27 years and absolutely loathed glasses. Old habits die hard and I still think I need to take my lenses out at the end of the day! I wish this surgery had been available when I was 21. I would recommend the surgery wholeheartedly, especially to youngsters with short sight. Mr Daya explained that I would probably need to wear reading glasses following the procedure owing to age-related long sight which happens to everyone in their 40s/50s. However, so far my eyes seem OK and I do not need glasses at all. I am glad I chose the Centre for Sight, which had been recommended to me by two former patients, and I would say that the procedure is less frightening than a check-up at the dentist. Well-done Mr Daya and your team!

05 Oct 2004

I have needed glasses from aged 10yrs(I am now 40). Without glasses everything had become colours and indistinct shapes (-6.75D, and -8D). I had been knocked back from Boots, and was more concerned that Mr Daya might say that I was not a suitable candidate for LASIK. He, and his entire staff were first class, and at the end of a very comprehensive assessment I was relieved that I was OK for treatment. Mr Daya suggested I wait for intralase zyoptix, and I was also one of the first ones to have this procedure in the UK. Apart from feeling that someone was pouring bleach into my eyes for approx 4 hours afterwards it went much better than I had imagined. The transformation I can only say is immense. I now see 6/6, and 6/5 and each day is like Xmas at the moment. To wake up and see the time on the alarmclock, and to see the lightswitch on the other side of the bedroom without fumbling around for my specs is very special. I expect to need reading glasses at some point, but I am more than happy to accept this as a consequence of the operation. I would wholehartedly recommend this to those of you considering this, especially if you are as blind as I was. Good luck

01 Nov 2004

Amazing, absolutely brilliant, I just can’t believe it. My sincere thanks to Mr Oz Giledi and the team of friendly professional staff at Centre for sight at East Grinstead. I’m 43 have worn glasses since I was 10 and all types of contact lenses since I was 16. So it seems very strange to me that when I wake up I don’t have to reach for my glasses. I had a prescription of - 7.50 with an astigmatism. I had thin corneas, so Mr Giledi recommended that I had Intralasik to create the flap and then zyotix tissue saving laser treatment. I had surgery on 22.10.04 and on my first check up on 25.10.04 I had already got 20/20 vision in my left eye and the right eye was nearly 20/20 and that will improve over the next 6 months. The procedure was quick and painless, with just a bit of discomfort after the surgery, but nothing too bad. But when I woke and took off my goggles ( which you must sleep with them on for the first 4 weeks. Sexy!) the following day after surgery, I just could not believe my eyes. I could read all the number plates of the cars as I looked down on to the street. Absolutely amazing. I cannot recommend it enough. Thank you to every one. P.S. FOR SALE, 1 pair of very thick Glasses could be used as a door stop or paper weight.

17 Nov 2004

It was absolutely brilliant!!! I've worn my glasses for over 25 years, my prescription was -3.5 in both eyes with an astigmatism. Mr. Daya recomended the Intralase with Tissue Saving treatment. I had my surgery on 15/11/2004 and it was amazing -no pain at all !!! because a flap was created with the Laser rather than a blade. After the operation my eyes were checked by Mr.Daya and I was discharged from CFS an hour later with full instructions as to what to what to expect and how to take my drops. The next day I came to have a check up and I was already 20/20 in both eyes!!! I could even drive my car the next day which seemed really strange without glasses1 I'm so happy and I would like to thank all the staff at Centre for sight, especially Mr. Daya for his magic work. I would definately recommend Centre for Sight and the Intralase procedure to anyone.

22 Nov 2004

It's a miracle. 15 minutes of painless surgery and I have 20/20 vision in both eyes. Why didn't I do this sooner. I had my Intralasik surgery on Mon 15th November 2004 performed by Mr Sheraz Daya at Centre for Sight in East Grinstead. Tuesday 16th November I drove, without my glasses, to the routine 24 hour check up. I could see more clearly than when I wore glasses. Prior to the operation so many people tried to disuade me from having the operation because of the 'risks' involved - all giving 'expert' advice on a subject they had absolutely no experience of. I decided I would make my own mind up and made an appointment with Mr Daya to have the thorough eye consultancy where he determines whether surgery is possible or suitable. I then attended a very informative and reassuring free seminar about Lasik and Intralasik surgery at Centre for Sight which was conducted by Mr Daya. After the seminar we could speak to people who had undergone the surgery themselves. I thoroughly recommend you attend this seminar if you are considering surgery. It will explain everything and allay all those fears that friends and family may have instilled in you. 6 days after the seminar I can see. The staff are so helpful, efficient and reassuring Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will now be able to play tennis so much better - next stop Wimbledon!

23 Nov 2004

I decided to have IntraLASIK surgery because I wanted to be able to see better and it was the latest and safest technology through which I thought I'd get the best results - particularly considering my high prescription. I'd heard that Centre for Sight had a very good reputation so I thought I'd try them first. I went along to their monthly informative seminar and was very impressed by the professionalism of Sheraz Daya and his team so I decided to go ahead. I booked a consultation, I was found to be suitable after a series of tests and I decided to go for surgery. As it is such a huge risk to have this type of surgery, I needed to be sure that I was doing the right thing. Every aspect of the procedure had been explained before, during and after the surgery. I was reassured at every stage so I knew what to expect. I was quite comfortable, although there was slight discomfort (not pain!) for a few minutes.....The next morning my eyes were slightly sore following the operation but I could see very well, this was confirmed at my follow up visit the next day! Now, I have completely recovered and my vision, particularly in my right eye is perfect. I would absolutely recommend the op, in fact I already have! There is no doubt in my mind that Centre for Sight is the place to havelaser eye surgery, particularly as they have the Intralase laser - this minimises the risk factor even more. I was extremely well looked after and all the staff were professional , caring and made me feel comfortable and reassured at every stage. I had every confidence that Mr. Daya would be successful in correcting my eyes and I was right!

03 Dec 2004

I had needed glasses from a small child, and so have no recollection of ever being able to see clearly. I had the Lasik surgery in Feb 2004, as a 50th birthday present! It was undoubtedly the best birthday present I could ever have had. I am still enjoying the sensation of waking up in the morning and being able to see clearly, and at times still catch myself thinking that I've left my contact lenses in! I now have 20/20 vision, before I was -12 and -8, so a really dramatic change for me. I am so grateful to Mr. Daya for his encouragement and professionalism, he has changed my life! If you're hesitating about having the surgery, I'd say go for it!

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