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Moorfields Eye Hospital Private Clinic

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297 Reviews

I had worn glasses/contact lenses since my teens and required cataract surgery in both eyes in my early fifties which left my eyesight rather better than it had been for thirty years, but not good enough to live without glasses an ...Read more

Review of Moorfields Eye Surgery

Moorfields Eye Hospital enjoys a global reputation for providing world-class laser eye surgery.

Moorfields Private is the private arm of the renowned Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, and offers ophthalmic care to patients seeking a vast range of treatments for both common and complex eye health conditions.

Today, Moorfields has a number of clinics around London – located in the City, the West End, Bedford and Croydon – and treats around 400,000 outpatients and 30,000 inpatients each year.

☀ Pros: World-class reputation, highly experienced eye surgeons, central London locations, advanced technology

☂ Cons: No fixed prices (fixed by the surgeons), no monthly payment options, no free consultation

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Our no-nonsense review of Moorfields Private and Moorfields NHS Eye Hospital covers:

  1. Moorfields Private Eye Hospital
  2. Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  3. Moorfields laser eye surgery cost
  4. What laser eye surgeries are offered?
  5. Moorfields’ best consultants
  6. Moorfields laser eye surgery reviews
  7. The Verdict

1. Moorfields Private Eye Hospital

For patients who fail to meet NHS requirements, or for those looking for treatments left off NHS checklists (such as refractive surgery for the average glasses-wearer), Moorfields Private is a viable option.

Private laser eye treatments at Moorfields include the most common surgeries such as PRK, LASEK and LASIK, as well as specialist procedures for more complex conditions. Private patients also benefit from Wavefront guided surgeries, which tend to have higher success rates due to greater laser accuracy.

In addition to providing high quality treatment and aftercare, many patients like to know that the profits from Moorfields Private are used to fund the Moorfields Eye Charity, Friends of Moorfields, which supports critical new research and quality eye care for children and adults.

2. Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

If you happen to suffer from a select range of debilitating eye conditions that cannot be treated by contact lenses or glasses (such as cataracts or glaucoma), you may be one of the few people who qualify for laser eye surgery on the NHS.

Moorfields’ NHS Eye Hospital is there for these patients, but for the vast majority of us, Moorfields Private has its door open.

3. Moorfields Laser Eye Surgery Cost

While NHS treatment is free, at Moorfields Private prices will apply to all consultations and surgeries.

Laser eye surgery costs at Moorfields start at £2,000 per eye for common laser eye surgery such as LASIK or LASEK. These prices rise to between £3,000 and £4,000 per eye for more complex procedures including cataract surgery.

An initial consultation at Moorfields is around £150, and the private prices will depend on the eye surgeon you choose. That’s because the laser eye consultants are employed by Moorfields, and set their own fees.

Consultation costs

  • Consultation: £150 – £200

Patients considering laser eye surgery usually book one to two consultations prior to receiving treatment. You can book your first appointment on the Moorfields Private website.

Treatment costs (per eye)

  • LASIK or LASEK eye surgery: £2,000 – £2,500
  • Refractive lens exchange (RLE) or cataract surgery: £3,000 – £4,000
  • ICL implantation surgery: £3,000 – £4,000

Other costs

In addition to these costs, you may also need to consider covering your potential stay in the hospital for private treatment. Moorfields Private hospital fees tend to range from £900 to £1800, depending on the procedure.

However, recovery times vary, and many eye treatments allow you to leave following the surgery. Naturally, there are no hospital fees for NHS patients.

Other options?

Moorfields Private Hospital offers some of the latest laser and implantable contact lens treatments performed by world-class consultant eye specialists, and these prices reflect the clinic’s high standards.

However, if these costs are outside your budget, or you would like to compare them with other leading laser eye surgery clinics in the UK, click here to fill in a few details, and talk directly to a trusted clinic to compare their quotes and services.

To see how other eye laser surgery clinics compare with Moorfields Private, just click here to use our simple quote tool, and receive a tailored quote from any trusted clinics near you.

Paying for treatment

Opting for laser eye surgery is a financial commitment for most people, and Moorfields offers three ways of paying for your treatment:

  • Private Medical Insurance – If you are covered by private healthcare, Moorfields asks that you try to verify these details before your first appointment, and obtain your pre-authorisation number.
  • Self pay – Many patients pay for their own treatment, with no private insurance needed.
  • Third party sponsorship – If a third party (such as your employer) has agreed to settled your account, make sure you acquire a letter of guarantee along with a deposit.

Read more: Laser eye surgery costs explained

4. Laser Eye Surgery Treatments

Moorfields Private Eye Hospital provides over 100 vision correction treatments for adults and children of all ages.

Here are some of the most requested types of laser eye surgery treatments:

  • LASIK: The most common treatment to correct eye conditions such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.
  • LASEK: A surface laser treatment that is suitable for patients with thinner corneas (eye surfaces).
  • Cataract surgery: A refractive lens exchange (RLE), which is an option for those in the “reading glasses” age group.
  • ICL surgery: Implants that work like permanent contact lenses are common for younger people, or patients with medical dry eye conditions.

Moorfields Private Hospital usually performs laser sight correction surgery to both eyes on the same day, but with cataract surgery and ICL implantation, most surgeons prefer to leave a week between operating on each eye for their patients’ comfort.

5. Moorfields’ Top Surgeons

Moorfields Private and Moorfields Eye Hospital claim their ophthalmic surgeons and consultants are some of the best in Britain, and six Moorfields Private surgeons were recently named in the Daily Mail’s top doctors list.

Within the industry, Moorfields is also the go-to for ophthalmic expertise: a recent Moorfields report shows that over half of all registered ophthalmic surgeons in the UK received their training there. Not surprisingly, many Moorfields consultants also completed their training onsite.

Plus, based on hundreds of unfiltered reviews from former patients, Moorfields hosts some of the top-rated laser eye surgeons in the UK.

Here are the five best consultants at Moorfields, as voted by you:

  1. Mr David Gartry: As one of the first surgeons worldwide to perform laser eye surgery, they don’t come more experienced than Mr Gartry.
  2. Mr Julian Stevens: Mr Stevens is an advisor to the British Society for Refractive Surgery, and is recognised globally as an expert opinion leader in laser eye surgery.
  3. Mr Bruce Allan: Mr Allan had been the Service Director for Refractive Surgery at Moorfields since 2012.
  4. Ms Valerie Saw: Ms Saw’s interests lie in inflammation and scarring of the eye, and she regularly treats patients for dry eyes and conjunctivitis.
  5. Mr Alexander C. W. Ionides: Since 1989, Mr Ionides has specialised in cataract and refractive lens surgery for both long and short sighted conditions.

Read more: Laser Eye Surgeon reviews

6. Independent reviews of Moorfields Private Eye Hospital

Moorfields consistently receive fantastic customer reviews, making them one of the highest rated laser eye providers in the UK. Click here to read their customer reviews below.

Moorfields Eye Hospital Private Clinic is also featured as one of Lasik Eye’s best laser eye surgery clinics in the UK, as well as shining in our list of the best laser eye surgery in London for partnering with some of the most renowned surgeons.

What makes Moorfields Eye Hospital so popular?

  1. History – Moorfields Eye Hospital first opened in London in 1805, and is now one of the oldest and best reviewed eye hospitals in the world.
  2. Ophthalmic Research – Moorfields has spent over 200 years researching and providing the latest laser eye surgery and implantable contact lens treatments, in partnership with the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology.
  3. Cutting-edge technology – Moorfields Private is a flagship location for laser and implant manufacturers. Its surgeons are therefore able to choose from the latest state-of-the-art laser eye equipment and non-invasive techniques like Intralase technology.
  4. Patient care – The Care Quality Commission (CQC) rates Moorfields Eye Hospital as ‘outstanding’ for care in their latest inspection report.

But is Moorfields Eye Hospital right for you?

Not everyone is best suited to Moorfields: as you would expect, world-class laser eye surgery often comes with an eye-watering price tag.

  1. Expensive treatments – Although patients tend to leave rave reviews, LASEK eye surgery costs on average £2,235 per eye at Moorfields Private, but between £595 and £1,595 per eye at other leading high street eye clinics such as Optical Express.
  2. No free consultations – Moorfields Private is one of the few laser eye clinics in the UK not to offer free initial consultations: you can expect to pay between £150 and £200, depending on the surgeon you see.

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Our mission at Lasik Eyes is to make it easy to choose the right clinic for your ophthalmic treatment, pop in for a free consultation, and talk through your options with an eye expert. Here’s how:

Next steps: Our simple tool helps our readers every day get one step closer to 20/20 vision:

  1. Find a top clinic near you: Answer three questions to be matched with the leading eye clinic in your area
  2. Check you’re eligible in minutes: Receive a quick call to check you can get surgery (we will never share your number with anyone else)
  3. Receive a tailored quote: Talk to an expert at a clinic you can trust for a free eye test (worth £800) and personalised quote (with no obligation)

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Moorfields Surgeons Reviews

Moorfields Eye Hosptial Reviews


06 Apr 2007

Having considered laser eye surgery for years, I finally plucked up the courage and chose Mr Julian Stevens to do it. The whole experience was 1st class, the results amazing and I cannot recommend him highly enough.

25 Apr 2007

After years of deliberation, I finally underwent bilateral wavefront lasik under Mr Gartry on Saturday. My prescription was -8.5 and -6.5, with one lazy eye. Mr Gartry believed he could improve this to possibly -2, with the need for wearing glasses for driving. However, I am thrilled to say that, 3 days on, I am already 2 lines further down the chart than 20:20 vision, so technically I could become a fighter pilot! The experience wasn't particularly pleasant - although it was pain-free, the sensation of pressure on the eyeball (I think some kind of suction is used on the eye as the flap is cut) is uncomfortable and disconcerting. All you see is halos of bright lights and colours as the procedure is performed. The treatment only lasts about 10 minutes, although I have to admit it felt like an eternity under the machine! Once it was over, my eyes felt quite heavy and sore, and it felt as though I was looking through a sauna (very misty). My friend and I were slightly over ambitious having decided to go shopping on Oxford Street afterwards - but we had to detour to a restaurant as all I wanted to do was sit with my eyes closed and rest. The next day I woke up able to see the time on the clock radio at the other end of the room. By the time I'd returned home yesterday, my vision was easily as good as with contact lenses, and it just keeps getting clearer (and more comfortable). I'm having to use plenty of moisturising drops, but it just feels like I've had my lenses in too long (and it's getting better all the time). Anyway, I am completely overwhelmed at how such a quick procedure has revolutionised my life. My eyesight is better than I ever dared hope for. Mr Gartry and his team are consummate (sp?) professionals, and I cannot recommend him highly enough. If you are considering this surgery - choose the man at the top of his profession, and relax safe in the knowledge that you are in the best possible hands.

31 May 2007

As my prescription was -9.5 / - 7.5 with astigmatism of -2.25 in my left eye, Mr Gartry informed me that I would need to have LASEK surgery as it would achieve a better result than LASIK although he could only guarantee me an 80% improvement. I underwent the surgery 12 days ago and I have to say it has been a life changing experience. Most people's first question has been to me: does it hurt? The answer is yes, in the 48 hours post operation, it was incredibly painful, the pain does fade by day 3 however the procedure itself is completely painless. I had my first eye test today and my new prescription is -0.5 and 0 with a slight astigmatism in both eyes...and there is still another 2 1/2 months of improvement to go

27 Aug 2007

Had the LASIK surgery on 14th as planned. Everything went ok. The actual procedure was absolultley painless and went exactly as described. The whole experience is absolutley nothing to threat about at all, in fact going to the dentist is worse! That evening the bluring started to lessen and I could see very well with a slight haze. The next morning, today woke up and my vision was 99%. It is great! Went to the clinic in afternoon for post check and all ok 20/20 vision. I am 100% happy with everything. I have a slight dryness with the eyes, but its getting better by he hour. I feel very comfortable and the vision is great. My original prescription was -1.50 and -1.25 (so not too bad) but now its just great to have no glasses after using them for 20 years!! Go for it.

09 Oct 2007

I had my both my eyes lasered a week ago. Before the surgery I was unable to do anything without my glasses on and had worn them non stop (except to sleep) for about 20 years. I can not believe that I was too scared to do this before it has been a total revelation. I chose Moorfields because of its reputation and Mr Vincenzo Maurino because he did a friend's eyes about 3 years ago and she said he was wonderful. She was right. Everything was great. He is very much as you would like a surgeon to be, straightforward and reasonably kind without being emotional. He answered all my questions and did not even get irritated when I asked for the 10th time if I could go blind! The nurses were great and one of them held my hand all the time, without me having to ask, as she could see I was very nervous. The proceedure is completely pain free but a LITTLE uncomfortable - and I am someone who has an extremely low pain threshold. It is true that you can see better straight away than you could before the surgery. Amazing - I would have cried with joy but for the fact I did not want to wash out the drops. If you are thinking of having it done please do - it took me at least 10 years to pluck up the courage and I am really cross with myself for not doing it sooner and believing the scare stories - I really could see perfectly by the next morning and I would like to thank everyone at Moorfields for being so great.

27 Jan 2008

It is the day after my Wavefront eye surgery with Mr Gartry and I feel 15 years younger! (I'm 30), since that is when I first started wearing glasses. Apart from some minor difficulty in reading very close up and slightly bloodshot eyes (two things I will discuss with Mr Gartry tomorrow morning during my first follow-up consultation), my vision is extremely sharp and crisp. I can read things so small, so far away (I was short-sighted, -2.5 in each eye) It is like wearing the most perfect pair of glasses imaginable and each set of eye drops seems to make my vision even clearer! I cannot believe how quick and easy the whole process was, from the first 90 minute consultation a couple of weeks ago to the final, 10 minute procedure yesterday. Mr Gartry was fantastic during the surgery, calmly talking you through every small step, which made me very reassured and never uncomfortable. It was at worst like being under water with your eyes open for about a minute (something that I could never do) but since you don't feel anything, it felt perfectly normal. Immediately following the surgery, my vision was slightly blurred, but there was no pain or discomfort, just a little feeling of dryness. Luckily, my girlfriend was able to drive me home so I could just close my eyes until we got there and once two full hours had passed since the op. I could put in the first set of eye drops (three different types, one in each eye) and from then on the dryness had never returned. For the next week I will have to put in the drops every 2 hours, which is already proving quite tedious, but I know it is worth it in the long run. The other minor problem has been sleeping with goggles, which is something I have never done before so I was worried I would push them off at night so I did as they advised and taped them to my face with the masking tape they provided. I guess this will be the most annoying part of the whole thing but I suppose a week of uncomfortable sleeping is a small price to pay.

28 Mar 2008

I went to see Mr Mark Wilkins with my sister for laser treatment as I have worn glasses for far too long and I wanted to be able to see things without my glasses and be able to swim/scuba without contacts. At the end of the very thorough consultation I was told that I had a severely detached retina in my right eye that needed immediate surgical attention and holes/tears in my left retina. I am just posting this message to say that it was only due to Mr Wilkins' thorough examination that I still have my sight. I was told that if I had not gone to the consultation (which I had booked 2/3 months in advance) something would have happened so serious that it would have meant that the chances of losing my sight in my right eye would be very high. This was an absolute shock to both me sister and I since I had only gone in for a laser consultation! My sister was a little apprehensive to begin with that Mr Wilkins was fairly young, however, I wanted to post this message to say that the level of service received was far beyond anything one could imagine. Mr Wilkins delayed seeing his other patients in order to find us the best surgeon available in the hospital. Within 20 minutes I was see by Mr Robert MacLaren who is one of the best surgeons in the country for retinal detachments. I had surgery the next day (18th March) and I'm in recovery at the moment. So, the moral of the story is, look after your eyes, pay to go to a good optician (not Specsavers whom I saw less than 2 months before who said my eyes were fine) and go to Moorfields Eye Hospital!

24 Aug 2008

this is the total for the surgery and hospital charges. Had this done in August and delighted with the results. its very quick and i would highly recommend anyone that can afford this procedure to do it. Julian Stevens put me at ease - i was very nervous......he was professional, reassuring and charming. Its quick, painless and results are instant - i am still in shock Excellent staff and put everyone at ease. I was -7 in each eye and still awake feeling i have had a miracle perfomed...I guess i have.. cannot recommend the surgeon highly enough good luck to all x

30 Aug 2008

I've just recently had my treatment with Mr Stevens and my sight is already improving dramatically. I just wanted to say how kind and helpful Mr Stevens and his wonderful team are. If you are thinking of having this treatment done, you really couldn't chose a more considerate and knowledgeable doctor.

24 Jan 2009

Expensive but wanted to go to Moorfields as they have very experienced surgeons and the latest technology. My opinion is you only have one pair of eyes. Some bits of the hospital are a bit shabby but don`t let that put you off - it is clear that Mr Maurino is experienced and has top equipment, even if the walls could do with a paint and the furniture updated. I was astigmatic in both eyes and about -3 ish in each eye. Operated on by Mr Vincenzo Maurino in mid Dec 2008. One month later eyes are slightly dry on occasion but vision pretty much 20-20. Saw Mr M last week and he said this will keep improving weekly - I agree as they are getting better as time ticks by. Fantastic result and bizarre to keep going to take glasses off (having worn them for 21 years) and they are not there. Operation is not fun but relatively quick and only real discomfort/soreness was the first evening where it feels like you have grit in your eyes for a few hours. Eyes seem to be getting better daily now - at night initially halos were quite bad around lights but as my eyes heal this improved for me. Mr M is experienced and I felt professional and looked after me well, as did the nurses who were kind. My right eye did take a week or so to be able to see sharply but I would now say it is better than the left. My advise is don`t panic if everything is not perfect on your first day after surgery. After all, any operation takes time to heal. Overall - delighted.

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