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Centre For Sight

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723 Reviews

Before surgery my vision was -8 and therefore I couldn’t read a book, or see facial expressions etc without using my glasses. I would definitely recommend Centre for Sight. I’d dwelt on surgery for 10 years since my initial ...Read more

1. Review of Centre for Sight Clinic

Centre for Sight is a long-standing and renowned eye surgery clinic, with three practices in London, Surrey and West Sussex. Its leading consultant eye surgeon, Mr Sheraz Daya, founded the clinic way back in 1996 with a clear mission: provide exemplary eye care to patients in facilities that are purpose-built with their needs in mind.

What makes Centre for Sight different? Centre for Sight is based on Mr Daya’s vision that better surroundings can provide a higher standard of care. Today patients get to enjoy a spa-like or luxury hotel experience, rather than the dread of most hospital surgeries.

Is there anything else I should know? As you’d expect then, this clinic also comes with the price tag that accompanies a five-star experience. Yes, the facilities are kitted out with high-end diagnostic tech and quality lenses, backed up by a team of highly trained staff. But you leave all the fancy atmosphere behind the moment you step outside the clinic, and it won’t be a priority for everyone.

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2. Centre for Sight Treatments

Centre for Sight has expertise in all the major eye treatments, from LASIK to lens replacement surgery, and implantable contact lenses. Here are some of the most popular surgeries:

  1. LASIK / IntraLASIK laser eye surgery
  2. Laser and non-laser lens replacement
  3. Implantable contact lenses (ICL surgery)
  4. Laser cataract surgery
  5. Corneal grafts
  6. Keratoconus

To find out which procedure would work best for your unique eye prescription, always talk to a qualified ophthalmologist. As with all leading clinics, Centre for Sight provides initial consultations where you can talk to a specialised eye consultant, and understand the risks and options available to you.

3. Centre for Sight Prices

On average, 723 patients told Lasik Eyes they paid between £2,400 and £3,615 per eye for laser eye and lens replacement surgery at Centre for Sight since 2002. These costs are slightly above the average price range of £1,789 and £3,152 – high street clinics such as Optical Express and Ultralase were the cheapest places we found.

Here are the fixed costs of eye surgery at Centre for Sight:

  • Laser eye surgery cost: £2,300 per eye (from £77 per month)
  • IntraLASIK Supracor cost: £2,575 per eye (from £86 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost: £2,975 per eye (from £85 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost (toric lenses): £3,450 per eye (from £93 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (monofocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (multifocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)

Your costs will include: a free consultation (for laser surgery), the full cost of the procedure, a 24-hour service line, and aftercare for one year after treatment. Laser eye surgery consultations are free, but lens replacement surgery assessments cost £295.

Centre for Sight also provides interest free pay monthly finance options over a generous 24 months – with some clinics, you’ll be paying 11% APR after the first year. As with most clinics, there’s a deposit of £500 to secure the surgery, but this cost comes off the total cost.

4. Centre for Sight Review: The Verdict

Centre for Sight is featured as one of the best laser eye surgery clinics in the UK. With a thumbs-up rating from the CQC and a reputation among customer for top-notch customer care, this address also makes our list of the 10 best laser eye surgery clinics in London.

To see how other eye laser surgery clinics compare with Centre for Sight, just click here to use our simple quote tool, and get a tailored quote from a trusted clinic that ticks your boxes.

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Centre For Sight Reviews


Shirley Livingstone

23 Jan 2015
No Rating

Immediate improvement in vision both near and distant. Need for spectacles eliminated.

13 Dec 2006

I was terrified at the thought of it all - but once here was treated very comforting and put all my fears at bay. Everyone was very professional but friendly. The theatre experience was much quicker than expected and would recommend it to anyone who needed it.

20 Dec 2006

After wearing glasses and contact lenses for more than 20 years, I finally decided (after much research) to have laser vision correction. I am absolutely delighted with the results and now have nearly 20/16 vision in both eyes. I would recommend Mr Daya and his caring and professional team to anyone. Life changing. Go for it!

09 Jan 2007

I expected pain and there was no pain at all. The improvement in my vision was astounding and immediate in spite of the oedema and the bandage lens. All the staff were reassuring and confident. Ten out of ten! CONFIRMED

08 Jan 2007

Very commendable service. Would recommend it to family and friends. Medical care at its best!

27 Jan 2007

The staff were very friendly, reassuring and very efficient. They made a VERY nervous patient feel very comfortable! The surgical staff kept me well informed throughout the procedure and the aftercare was excellent.

12 Jan 2007

The reason why I went to the Centre for Sight was after watching all the statistics and reports/reviews over the last 10 years the best of the best in the UK is the Centre for Sight. (also one of the more expensive, but hey you only get one pair of eyes!) I found this forum very helpful, so here is my experience: About -7 in both eyes, worn glasse since age 10, contacts from age 15, now in my 40s. Overall the process in my case was: November 2006 Thursday, 10:00 – 15:00 at the hospital having various eye tests. You cannot drive after the tests as you have your eyes dilated. (I took the train to Gatwick and then a cab to the hospital) I had provisionally booked the surgery for the next available date and since the tests went well so: Back again on the following Monday morning, the treatment takes literally 12 minutes. Then you sit and wait for 1 hour in the dark, followed by a vision test and finally taken home in the car by my wife. After getting home I followed their instructions to sleep for 4 hours and spent a pleasant evening watching TV without glasses for the first time. Next day I could already do email on a laptop, You have to go back for a checkup and I went into the London clinic (again on the train). My eyesight was good enough to drive BUT I personally would advise against it, imagine an airbag going off in your face the day after an eye operation…not a good idea! After the check (I had 20:20 vision) the rest of the week was spent mainly working from home. They say you can work/fly the next day, but if you can I would advise on taking it easy for the week. Pretty much the following week things were settling down nicely. You have quite an intensive regime of eye drops, but this gets less and less over 6 week period. The only real pain is having to wear goggles to bed everynight to stop you from rubbing your eyes while asleep. After 4 weeks back to the clinic again for a checkup, and by now I had 20:15 vision (better than 'normal'). Overall I had a great experience and now 2 months later I still find myself thinking about taking my lens out at night. My vision clarity seems to still be improving and I will be interested to see if I can get to the bottom line of the eye chart on the 3 month checkup. Overall I would heartily recommend the Centre for Sight.

27 Jan 2007

6 month update. Today I had my first eye test with my regular optician since having Lasik at Centre for Sight last July. Everything is stable and I have 20/20 in each eye. Previously I was -8.75 and -7.25 with astigmatism. My optician gave my eyes a thorough examination and said it was the neatest surgery she had ever seen and could barely see any scars. So I think Mr Giledi deserves another mention and another recommendation from a 100% satisfied and very happy customer.

02 Feb 2007

How much is eyesight worth? I have been thinking about the possibility of laser eye surgery for some time, but considered it just too expensive - after all, I could wear contact lenses so who would know? In the last few years though, I have found contacts increasingly uncomfortable, and stopped wearing them full time about 2 years ago. With a severe prescription -9 in the right eye with astigmatism, and -11.5 in the left, these were very expensive - but I was advised that lasik would not work for me by some of the high street clinics. A friend recommended Centre for Sight and Mr. Daya. She too had a severe prescription, and in the end had implant surgery. I thought this would be my only option. How wrong I was. Here I am just over 24 hours after having Intralasik Zyoptix Wavefront surgery - typing this message and seeing better than I ever thought possible. I know this will only get better and can't wait for my next eye test! Don't be fooled though - this is not an easy decision to make, but any post operative soreness, which is short lived and aided by plenty of sleep soon after the surgery, is offset by the relief of no longer having eyestrain, tired eyes, and the conviction that I have regained long term eye health. Thank you for ever Mr. Daya, Carolina, Linda and everyone else whose names I can't remember but who were so wonderful, caring, and understanding of my fears, and who shared my absolute joy at being able to see again, after over 40 years.

27 Jan 2007

!Amazing! -9.75 in both eyes back to 20/20 vision in the space of 24 hours. Have been shortsighted since I was 7 and in lenses for the last 21 years. This is nothing short of a miracle! No more lenses being blown out on the ski slopes, or that sinking feeling when your told to cut down on your contact lense use. I cannot rate this clinic more highly, you are in the hands of true professionals at the top of the game. Please don't go for cheaper options your sight is far too precious! Good luck to you all!!!!!! and go for it you really won't regret it!

01 Feb 2007

I had Intralasik performed by Mr. Daya on Monday 29th January, after about five years of research and a couple of visits to other establishments. The Centre for Sight, with its very informative seminar, thorough tests and examinations, and, for me, confidence instilling consultation with Mr. Daya, just made everything slot into place for me and gave me the confidence to go ahead this time. I am delighted and amazed with the result. No more specs! Brilliant. Definitely life changing stuff. It's only two days since the op and I feel fine and my vision is already excellent. It was the 'fear factor' more than anything for me which delayed my going ahead on previous occasions but the Centre for Sight experience worked for me and helped me overcome this. The procedure itself was fine for me, a few nerves before going in, a bit of pressure on each eye when the first laser was creating the flap, and then some quite intense stinging and streaming a couple of hours after the op, the worst of which lasted only an hour or so. Those were the worst bits for me, and none of them were really that bad! Definitely worth all of that, and the cost, for such an amazing outcome and an establishment which cured my 'fear'! Post op drops and night goggles so far proving to be a very mild inconvenience rather than a nuisance, and, again, all definitely worth it for the outcome. Ten of ten, gold stars and an Oscar nomination, if there was such a thing!

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