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Centre For Sight

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723 Reviews

Before surgery my vision was -8 and therefore I couldn’t read a book, or see facial expressions etc without using my glasses. I would definitely recommend Centre for Sight. I’d dwelt on surgery for 10 years since my initial ...Read more

1. Review of Centre for Sight Clinic

Centre for Sight is a long-standing and renowned eye surgery clinic, with three practices in London, Surrey and West Sussex. Its leading consultant eye surgeon, Mr Sheraz Daya, founded the clinic way back in 1996 with a clear mission: provide exemplary eye care to patients in facilities that are purpose-built with their needs in mind.

What makes Centre for Sight different? Centre for Sight is based on Mr Daya’s vision that better surroundings can provide a higher standard of care. Today patients get to enjoy a spa-like or luxury hotel experience, rather than the dread of most hospital surgeries.

Is there anything else I should know? As you’d expect then, this clinic also comes with the price tag that accompanies a five-star experience. Yes, the facilities are kitted out with high-end diagnostic tech and quality lenses, backed up by a team of highly trained staff. But you leave all the fancy atmosphere behind the moment you step outside the clinic, and it won’t be a priority for everyone.

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2. Centre for Sight Treatments

Centre for Sight has expertise in all the major eye treatments, from LASIK to lens replacement surgery, and implantable contact lenses. Here are some of the most popular surgeries:

  1. LASIK / IntraLASIK laser eye surgery
  2. Laser and non-laser lens replacement
  3. Implantable contact lenses (ICL surgery)
  4. Laser cataract surgery
  5. Corneal grafts
  6. Keratoconus

To find out which procedure would work best for your unique eye prescription, always talk to a qualified ophthalmologist. As with all leading clinics, Centre for Sight provides initial consultations where you can talk to a specialised eye consultant, and understand the risks and options available to you.

3. Centre for Sight Prices

On average, 723 patients told Lasik Eyes they paid between £2,400 and £3,615 per eye for laser eye and lens replacement surgery at Centre for Sight since 2002. These costs are slightly above the average price range of £1,789 and £3,152 – high street clinics such as Optical Express and Ultralase were the cheapest places we found.

Here are the fixed costs of eye surgery at Centre for Sight:

  • Laser eye surgery cost: £2,300 per eye (from £77 per month)
  • IntraLASIK Supracor cost: £2,575 per eye (from £86 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost: £2,975 per eye (from £85 per month)
  • Implantable contact lens cost (toric lenses): £3,450 per eye (from £93 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (monofocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)
  • Cataract surgery cost (multifocal): £2,975 – £3,575 per eye (from £94 per month)

Your costs will include: a free consultation (for laser surgery), the full cost of the procedure, a 24-hour service line, and aftercare for one year after treatment. Laser eye surgery consultations are free, but lens replacement surgery assessments cost £295.

Centre for Sight also provides interest free pay monthly finance options over a generous 24 months – with some clinics, you’ll be paying 11% APR after the first year. As with most clinics, there’s a deposit of £500 to secure the surgery, but this cost comes off the total cost.

4. Centre for Sight Review: The Verdict

Centre for Sight is featured as one of the best laser eye surgery clinics in the UK. With a thumbs-up rating from the CQC and a reputation among customer for top-notch customer care, this address also makes our list of the 10 best laser eye surgery clinics in London.

To see how other eye laser surgery clinics compare with Centre for Sight, just click here to use our simple quote tool, and get a tailored quote from a trusted clinic that ticks your boxes.

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Centre For Sight Reviews


Shirley Livingstone

23 Jan 2015
No Rating

Immediate improvement in vision both near and distant. Need for spectacles eliminated.

03 Oct 2005

The whole experience has been amazing.I was extremely apprehensive about the whole procedure but the staff were reassuring and comforting.The surgery was pain free and quick.Recovery period was also quick. I cannot praise the team and Mr. Sheraz Daya enough. It has been life changing.

07 Oct 2005

I was very short sighted and after many years of hesitation took the plunge in June. I didn't expect to be free of glasses completely but having a -9 prescription would have been happy with any improvement. I can now see perfectly...I mean perfectly! No glasses, contact lenses, nothing! The treatment was superb, the staff could not have been friendly. I wish I had done it years ago! My heartfelt thanks to Mr Daya and all the wonderful staff!

07 Oct 2005

Where do I Start? Left eye -6.5, right -4.5 (with mild astigmatism). Started wearing glasses when I was 11 years old (that was 37 years ago)eventually progressing to disposables in my early 20's. I'd been thinking about laser surgery for about 5 years, but stories of variable success rates with accompanying pain and discomfort for protracted periods all served to disuade me from taking the plunge. The article that appeared in the Daily Mail earlier this year was the turning point, that and the testimonies on this web sight. I cogitated while on summer hols in Turkey until finally the benefits it could bring to scuba diving convinced me to go for a consultation on the 2nd September with the treatment on the 3rd, assuming I got on ok on the 2nd. It's invidious to single out staff for special praise as they are all excellent at The Centre for Sight, however, as the first person I spoke to and subsequently met, Nicky you are a great advert for the centre.I'd also mention Carolina, who's also been great - both helpful and informative with a nice line in humour. Mr.Daya gave me the go ahead - being both reassuring and realistic about the likely outcome recommending the tissure saving procedure everything using lasers. Saturday arrived and I was extremely nervous - still the sedatives I was given shortly after arrival certainly helped. I was at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead for about 3 1/2 hours from start to finish although it didn't seem as long as that. A succession of eye drops and finally to the operating theatre. The procedure itself was a bit unnerving but pain free and only a little uncomfortable. When I sat up the first thing I saw was the clock - WOW! After a brief stay in the recovery room it was time to go home. That's when the discomfort really started as the anaesthetic began to wear off. I'd describe it as feeling as if you've had soap squirted in your eyes and at the same time someone is jabbing you in the eye with a pencil! That lasted for about 4 hours and sleep, as recommended, did not come at all readily. Once the discomfort subsided I drifted off into sleep and as morning arrived I opened my eyes and pain/discomfort free caught my breath. After approaching 40 years I could now see with no artificial aid. It's now 5 weeks on and I have 20.20 vision in my right eye and 20.15 in my left. I'm also one of the lucky ones in that my long sight, which has been creeping up on me over the past 3 years or so, has also been substantially improved to the point where I don't need reading glasses. My only slight citicism is a mild halo effect around artificial lights but I'm told this should alleviate over the next few months. All in all an absolutely fantastic result and I'm still pinching myself to make sure it isn't a dream. If anyone reading this is thinking of having the procedure, it may not be cheap, but they are your eyes and I would unhesitatingly strongly recommend The Centre for Sight. Thankyou all at the Centre.

07 Oct 2005

Staff very professional and friendly. Had no worries about the surgery, although there was quite a lot of waiting around.

11 Oct 2005

The whole experience has been excellent. I now have great vision and marvel each day when I wake up that I can see. Sport and outdoor activity are so much easier. Thank you to everyone at Centre for Sight.

11 Oct 2005

Although I wasn't a very good patient the staff were patient and understanding with me and did their best to keep me relaxed. They explained what they were doing every step of the way which helped. I was in some discomfort on the day of surgery but by the following day it had all gone.

12 Oct 2005

Would recommend this surgery. I can not believe that after one day how well my vision is! Well worthy the 15 minutes or so that it takes.

12 Oct 2005

Wow! I can see. No glasses, no contacts. It is great. It was a good experience all the way through.

20 Oct 2005

Sheraz Daya perform Intralasik Zyoptix on both of my eyes around six weeks ago. I had been considering Lasik for some years but had been holding off due to having read about all of the possible complications potentially caused by the large size my pupils. I'm told that my pupils are 9-10mm (pre-surgery I was -5-5.5 in both eyes). I'm very happy with the current post-operative outcome: I'm better than 20:20 in both eyes. My main pre-operative concern had been halos: post-surgery halos for me are more noticeable than before, however, they make little real difference to my ability to see at night and I'm told will subside more over time. All in all a very happy customer.

25 Oct 2005

This was a scary decision for me to have the treatment. I am so thrilled I did. When I woke up this morning I could read the small print on my eye drop instructions!!. Mr Daya inspires you with wonderfull confidence. Everyone at Centre for Sight was positive and cheerful, welcoming and very knowledgable. Thank you all so much!!

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