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Advanced Vision Care

745 Reviews

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1. Review of Advanced Vision Care

Advanced Vision Care (AVC) is an independent surgeon-led clinic founded in 2003 by Mr Pillai on Harley Street, London. With no affiliation with any manufacturers, you should be able to count on treatment that’s best suited to your needs.

AVC’s Medical Director and lead surgeon, Mr Pillai, has nearly three decades of ophthalmic experience and is one of the few surgeons to have fellowships for both refractive laser surgery and cornea treatment. Patients even enjoy the benefit of speaking to Mr Pillai during the initial consultation, and can look forward to a stress-free aftercare plan, including any retreatment if necessary.

What makes AVC different? This clinic prides itself on being able to treat any eye prescription using a wide mix of treatments, meaning it may just be able to help you, even if other clinics have turned your down. Its patients also give this clinic the thumbs up, leaving hundreds of positive reviews on our site over the years.

  • AVC tailors treatments to its customers’ specific visual needs.
  • You can receive eye care from a small team of eye experts, each with 25 years of experience.
  • Laser and non-laser treatments sit under one roof, for customer convenience.

Is there anything else I should know? As you’d expect, cutting-edge eye surgery on Harley Street comes at a price, and this time it’s higher on average than you’ll find at some of the other top-rated eye clinics dotted around the UK. And unless you happen to live in central London, there may not be a clinic near you.

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2. Treatments

Advanced Vision Care specialises in laser as well as non-laser vision correction treatments, including all the usual suspects: LASIK, LASEK, implantable contact lenses (ICL surgery), lens replacement surgery, cataract surgery and keratoconus treatment.

  • Advanced Wavefront LASIK / LASEK – Highly accurate laser surgery for those with thin eye surfaces or active lifestyles.
  • Phototherapeutic Keratectomy (PTK) – Therapy for treating long-term eye conditions.
  • Implantable Contact Lens (EVO Visian ICL) – Suitable for patients with complex eye prescriptions, thin corneas or dry eyes.
  • Lens Replacement (Refractive Lens Exchange) – Eye surgery for those over 40 with a reading prescription.
  • Cataract Surgery – Removes cloudy lenses, and replaces them with artificial clear ones.
  • Corneal Implants – Reshape irregular eye shapes to make contact lenses more comfortable.

As is standard with eye surgery clinics, all AVC treatments come with a 12 month aftercare package, which includes: regular check-ups, 24-hour eye expert support line, and post-op medication for the first month.

In the unlikely event that you require eye surgery enhancement, any laser fine tuning or YAG laser capsule thickening removal (following cataract treatment) is available at no extra cost.

3. Technology

Advanced Vision Care was the first clinic in the UK to house the complete Alcon Refractive Suite, which it claims is the safest non-laser technology in the country. It creates a personalised treatment plan that starts with a Verion Image Guided system in your first consultation, and continues throughout the surgery with devices that ensure superior visualisation.

The laser eye surgery treatment is also advanced. The femtosecond Intralase 5F Laser works blade-free by using pulses of harmless light to create a corneal flap, and the Bausch Teneo 317 Excimer Laser takes just 3 to 5 seconds to correct your vision.

What’s more, the highly accurate Advanced Wavefront technology is included in all laser treatments as standard, and an Eye Tracking System tracks eye movements, so you don’t need to worry about blinking during the procedure.

4. Advanced Vision Care Prices

AVC has some of the most reasonable payment options out there. It’s not the cheapest – high street clinics such as Optical Express and Ultralase take the crown for cost – but the free consultation, fixed prices, and flexible interest free finances all help their treatments work around you.

Is it worth paying more? Of course, that’s for you to decide. But to give you an idea of the prices, laser eye surgery at AVC costs £2,100 (per eye), compared to well-reviewed alternatives such as Optical Express and AccuVision which come in at around half that on average.

Eye Surgery ProcedurePrice (per eye)Finance Options (per month)
Advanced Wavefront LASIK£2,100£66.67
(24 months, 0% APR)
Phototherapeutic Keratectomy (PTK)£2,100£66.67
(24 months, 0% APR)
ICL Surgery (Simple Lens)£3,450 – £3,750£122.22 – £138.89
(18 months, 0% APR)
ICL Surgery (Specialist Lens)£4,150£161.11
(18 months, 0% APR)
Monofocal lens surgery£3,150 – £3,450£105.56 – 122.22
(18 months, 0% APR)
Multifocal lens surgery£3,750 – £4,050£138.89 – £155.56
(18 months, 0% APR)
Keratoconus Treatment£2,150 – £2,450£91.67 – £108.33
(18 months, 0% APR)

Are there finance options?

Yes, AVC has partnered with Hitachi Finance to offer flexible payment plans, meaning you can pay the full cost of eye surgery in bite-size monthly installments.

For example, you could pay for laser eye surgery in chunks of £66.67 a month for two years interest free, or £33.59 for 60 months at 9.9% APR. That’s generous – most clinics require 11% APR, and only the first year at 0% interest.

Does medical insurance cover the surgery costs at AVC?

Yes, AVC is an accredited provider of ophthalmic surgery for many of the UK’s leading insurance companies, including:

  • Allianz
  • BUPA and BUPA International
  • Cigna
  • Simply Health

As always, you’ll need to confirm how you would like to pay before booking your surgery, both with your chosen clinic and your medical insurer.

Read more: Laser eye surgery costs explained

5. AVC Review: The Verdict

Advanced Vision Care consistently receives a five-star rating from hundreds of patients, which is why this clinic makes it to our list of the best laser eye surgery clinics in the UK.

With in-depth consultations providing an honest assessment of whether eye surgery is right for you, Advanced Vision Care also takes the prize for being one of the top places for laser eye surgery in London.

Is Advanced Vision Care for you? To see if there is a better reviewed laser eye surgery clinic near you, just hit here to use our simple quote tool, and get a tailored quote from a clinic you can trust.


Advanced Vision Care Reviews


19 Dec 2008

I had my 6 week post op check up with Mr Pillai yesterday. I had 20/20 vision and a zero prescription-it doesn’t get any better than that. My original prescription was -7.5 in both eyes, I had worn glasses or contact lenses (which I had been wearing since I was 16) and I started to seriously consider laser eye surgery. Wearing glasses permanently was just not an option.

I had thought about laser surgery on and off through my thirties but was keen to get either a personal professional recommendation. Neither seemed to be forthcoming, so I did not pursue it. Mr Pillai and Advance VisionCare were recommended to be my friend of a friend who is a optometrist. I contacted the clinic, received the information pack and duly made an appointment for my initial consultation. A trouble free and friendly process.

I had an extensive assessment with the optometrist and followed by a dilated pupil examination and discussion with Mr Pillai. I had done very little independent research at this stage so I was probably did not take advantage of the fact that I could of asked Mr Pillai many questions, probably not the right way to do it. However, he thoroughly explained the procedure, my prescription and the sort of results I could expect. I left feeling sufficiently confident to book surgery the following week. Your pupils remain dilated for several hours following the examination- I found this the most uncomfortable element of the whole process. It was a bright sunny day which did not help. The light sensitivity was so intense that my partner had to walk me to his office to sit in a darkish corner for a couple of hours- I also felt a bit disorientated and nauseous. It wore off completely after 4 hours.

You are given a couple of documents that you are require to sigh prior to surgery. One details a fairly comprehensive list of possible complication; this was a useful starting point for me for my own independent research. In the week between the initial consultation and the surgery I did a huge amount of research, mainly online. I read the clinics Healthcare Commission report, many discussion forums, websites and competing clinic, articles in professional publications, articles on the laser technology itself etc etc. Over the course of the week I progressed from feeling quite anxious and wondering what I had done to feeling quite calm and reassured that I had picked a highly experienced Surgeon, a well managed clinic and the most up to date and reliable equipment.

I had surgery at 9am on Saturday morning. The welcome at the clinic was warm and reassuring. I did feel anxious-only natural, I think. I had decided not to have the valium which is offered-I was concerned that I would feel woozy and unwell afterwards. Mr Pillai, was keen however that I have it and I did. There were no after effects and I was not aware of it affecting mat at the time. I had a few outstanding questions prior to surgery which Mr Pillai answered fully.

You are then taken into the laser suite, fully gowned-glasses removed for the last time! Mr Pillai, the laser technician and two nurses await you. The laser suite is quite aggressively air conditioned and I found it quite chilly. You lie down and the laser is positioned above you.

Anaesthetic drops are applied to your eyes and the eye clamp is attached. I didn’t feel this at all and you have no sensation of your eyes being clamped back. Your eye and the surrounding area is cleaned. The suction cap is applied to your eye. Pressure is applied, and the flap is cut. This is the cleaned. The suction cap is applied to your eye. Pressure is applied, and the flap is cut. This is the bit I liked the least-more to do with what was going on in my head “eek my eye is being cut” rather than any physical sensation. Mr Pillai talks to you all the time and tells you what is going on. The creation of the flap took less than 30 seconds. The flap is the turned back and your vision goes blurry. You have to keep your head very still and the laser goes to work-50 seconds in all for my prescription. The laser is applied in burst about 4 in all and the technician counts down the time so you know how long there is o go. This part of the experience is a bit surreal-you have to look straight ahead at a pattern of light –red and green-it’s a bit like a combination of a child’s spinorgarh and a laser show at a fat boy slim gig. There was a slight smell like when you singe your hair and with the first eye I could see a faint whisper of “smoke” rising up from the eye that was lasered. Very surreal! The flap is then smoothed back in place and the bandage contact lens put in. Then the same process with the second eye. This tome I couldn’t see anything as I think a patch had been taped over the done eye.

When I sat up I could see. It was a little hazy, but I could see my partner in the next door, watching. I then rested with a cup of tea and after about 20 minutes Mr Pillai tested my eyes which were already at driving standard (not that I drove at this stage). We then went back to the hotel, which is comfortable and rested for a few hours. I had no after effects whatsoever; no redness, no itchiness, no burning, no watering-in fact my eyes had not felt so comfortable in along time. We went out and had a nice lunch and I just spent the time gazing around-saying “I can see that…” or “I can see this…” It was so exciting. I felt well enough to go to a football match in the evening- it was brilliant even though lost!
For the first week following surgery you are provided with anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic eyedrops which you use 4 times a day. During the course of Sunday, my eyesight became a little blurrier. I was not worried as I had read during my research that the drops can cause the bandage lens to blur. As my surgery was on a Saturday I was wearing the bandage lens longer than might otherwise have been the case. At my check 24 check up on the Monday Mr Pillai removed the bandage lens and my vision improved dramatically. I was 98% of my best corrected vision at that stage. One week later I was -0.3 in one eye and -0.1 in the other and today I am 0.0 in both! It is a miracle.
I do have some dryness in my eyes now, particularly first thing in the morning and increasingly in the evening. Artificial tear drops help with that and it should improve. My very nearsight is blurred – having been able to see things clearly a couple of inches away I now cannot – but I can see to read, use the PC and I can see for miles and miles.I cannot recommend AVC and Mr Pillai highly enough. He is a very jovial, yet highly professional man. He is able to put you immediately at ease. His staff are friendly, welcoming and make you feel like an individual – not like another cheque to be processed.

19 Dec 2008

The service was always on time and to an excellent standard. Everything was explained to me clearly and all questions were answered.. Hopefully I will now be able to apply for the police as my eyes how exactly meet to requirements. So far the treatment I have received has been excellent and I would not hesitate to recommend who is interested to Advance VisionCare.

17 Dec 2008

Totally painless and relaxed procedure from start to finish, I would definitely not hesitate in recommending Advance VisionCare to anybody-my only disappointment is that I didn’t have the treatment sooner!

11 Dec 2008

The whole process was done very smoothly and professionally. All the staff were very helpful and courteous. The operation itself was very quick and surpassingly painless. I felt only minor discomfort, briefly during the operation and have felt no pain or discomfort at all since the operation itself. I can not recommend the procedure highly enough.

09 Dec 2008

Overall outstanding level of service

05 Dec 2008

An excellent service at every stage-well done

04 Dec 2008

The service from beginning to end was excellent. What made me feel comfortable was the fact that I met all the people that took part in the laser treatment beforehand, so by the time I went in I felt very comfortable with them all. Everyone was very friendly and made the whole experience worthwhile. I would defiantly recommend Advance VisionCare for service price and customer care.

02 Dec 2008

Advance VisionCare made me feel completely at ease about going ahead with laser eye surgery. Every member of staff that I encountered was very knowledgeable. On the day of my surgery, I didn’t feel very nervous because I had read all the literature that AVC provided, 2 of my friends were allowed to come with me, and the staff were ready and welcoming when I arrived. The actual procedure was quick and pain free, and I was able to drive without glasses the very next day.

01 Dec 2008

Before making the appointment I did what research I could on both clinic and staff and felt confident about coming along for a chat, the staff make you feel very welcome and comfortable. On the day of treatment I felt a little nervous of the unknown-but I need not have worried. The logistics were well organised and the staff very helpful. There were 4 of us booked for the same treatment on the same afternoon-which was great because we were able to chat and support one another. The treatment itself was fine. I would put it on a similar level as a trip to the dentist. The other patients and I was staying at the same hotel during our stay. The next morning it was back to Harley Street for a check-ups and then home. The results are great no glasses or lens! The staff set good and honest expectations of the results and, for me, these have definitely been met. The sight will continue to settle over the next few weeks.

01 Dec 2008

Every aspect of the treatment was made more comfortable by the calming nature and professionalism of the team. From the initial consultation, to meeting the surgeon, having surgerey and aftercare-Advance VisionCare were excellent. Big thank you for the great results and life without glasses! Thanks you.

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